- Längd över allt: 11,25 m

- Bredd över allt: 3,20 m

- Djupgående: 0,75 m

- Deplacement: ca 7 ton rustad

- Bunker: 1 000 liter


PRIS: 2 100 000 kr + moms


                                              Claim YOUR name on the most awsome mail-address in the world before it is to late.

Pricing: Total exclusive right to your firstname on the mail-domain: 15.000 USD (Only posible if no one else registred the firstname or the firstname with any lastname in any combination before you) Includes exclusive registration on mail with only first name and one mail with first and last name Example: johnny@justhandsome.com johnny.goode@justhandsome.com (only one Brad will be registred at the justhandsome.com mail-domain ever) Firstname: 7.000 USD Example: johnny@justhandsome.com (exclusive right to first name only) First name & last name: 1.300 USD Example: johnny.goode@justhandsome.com (exclusive right your first name in combination with your lastname) First name & last name with one middle name or letter: 600 USD Example: johnny.c.goode@justhandsome.com Or buy the whole domain for 1.000.000 USD + full costs for cashback to everyone that have already claimed their justhandsome.com mail-addresses.